I will be at Women, Wine, and Song on
November 5th hosted by
LoftHouse Publishing.
New Book coming out 2023, sign up
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My piece Exit Stage Left: Leaving the Military a Different Person is in the AMVETS Fall 2015 edition
Roll Call and Exit Stage Left - Pen and Pencil for Whirlwind Magazine launch
Why Go? Why I Decided to Join the Army Post 9/11 Huffington Post (Aug 2015)
Exit Stage Left: Leaving the Military a Different Person - Huffington Post (July 2015)
Roll Call - Whirlwind Magazine Issue 4 (2015) pg. 22
How To Win at Parenting - REJECT Reading Vol. 2 (January 2015)
Severna Park Hillbillies - Baltimore Fishbowl.com (September 2014)
Name Me - Welter, University of Baltimore's Literary Journal (2014)
Roll Call - Featured Article, BaltimoreFishbowl.com (May 2014)
The Rucksack - Featured Article, BaltimoreFishbowl.com (March 2014)